25 Ekim 2012

"Şehr-i İstanbul" Uluslararası Karikatür Sergisine Davet! (31 Aralık 2012)

Istanbul, yerlesim tarihi 300 bin, kentsel tarihi yaklasik 3 bin, baskentlik tarihi ise 1600 yila kadar uzanan Avrupa ile Asya kitalarinin kesistigi bir dünya kentidir. Çaglar boyunca çesitli uygarlik ve kültürlere ev sahipligi yapti. Yüzyillar boyu çesitli din, dil ve irktan insanlarin bir arada yasadigi kozmopolit ve metropolit yapisiyla dünyanin turistik açidan ilgi çeken önemli merkezlerinden biri olmayi basardi. Roma ve Bizans uygarliklarina ev sahipligi yapan Istanbul, 1453 yilinda Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafindan Bizanslilardan alinarak, Osmanli dönemine de damgasini vurdu. Tarihi alanlari UNESCO Dünya Mirasi Listesi'ne 1985 yilinda eklenen Istanbul, 2010 yilinda "Avrupa Kültür Baskenti" seçildi.

Katilim Kosullari:
1) Sergiye sadece internet yoluyla katilabilinir.
(Karikatürlerin gönderme adresi: sehriistanbul@donquichotte.org )
2) Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve jpeg formatinda olacaktir.
3) Sergiye son katilim tarihi 31 Aralik 2012'dir.
4) En iyi on karikatüre "Don Quichotte" madalyasi verilecektir.
5) Sergi 10 Ocak 2013 tarihinde Istanbul-Beyoglu Ögretmenevi'nde gerçeklesecektir.
6) Sergiye her yastan karikatürcü en fazla 3 karikatürle katilabilir.

Istanbul is the intersecting point of Europe and Asia, with a settlement history of three hundred thousand years, an urban history of three thousand years and a capital dating back to the 1600s. Istanbul has been a home to various civilizations and cultures thorughout history. Due to Istanbul's historical cosmopolitan and metropolitan structure it has attracted people with various religions, languages and races for centuries. It has now become one of the major touristic centers in the world. Istanbul hosted the Roman and Byzantinian Empires until Fatih Sultan Mehmet captured Istanbul from the Byzatines in 1453, which marked the rise of the Ottoman period. Historical areas of Istanbul were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985 and Istanbul was chosen as the European Capital of Culture in 2010.

1) You can only participate in this exhibition by submitting your work through the e-mail address provided below: sehriistanbul@donquichotte.org  
2) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to be delivered in 300 dpi and in JPEG format.
3) The closing date of the exhibition is December 31, 2013.
4) Will be given for the top ten cartoon "Don Quichotte" medal.
5) The oppening exhibition will take place in Istanbul-Beyoglu Teacherhause on January 10, 2013.
6) Participants of all ages can join in this exhibition with a maximum of 3 caricatures.

Don Quichotte